OAuth2 Authenticator (Password)

This node supports the OAuth 2.0 resource owner password credentials (ROPC) grant flow. The target audience of this node are users with a technical understanding of OAuth 2 and (web) developers. For less technical users, it may be simpler to use service-specific nodes, such as Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator.

The ROPC grant is considered legacy and does not support 2FA/MFA. Usage of this grant is discouraged and the client credentials grant should be used instead.


Token endpoint URL
The token endpoint URL of the OAuth2 service.
Token endpoint request method
HTTP method to use when requesting the access token from the token endpoint.
Client/App authentication mechanism
How to transfer Client/App ID and secret to the service endpoints. HTTP Basic Auth is the most common mechanism, but some services expect these values to be part of the form-encoded request body.
Client/App type
Whether a public or confidential application flow should be used. A confidential application requires a secret.
Client/App ID
The client/application ID. In some services this is called API key.
Client/App ID and secret (flow variable)
Specifies the credentials flow variable with the client/app ID and secret to use.
Username/Password (flow variable)
Specifies the credentials flow variable with the username and password to use.
The list of scopes to request for the access token.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

Credential with access token.


This node has no views


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