
This Node Is Deprecated — This version of the node has been replaced with a new and improved version. The old version is kept for backwards-compatibility, but for all new workflows we suggest to use the version linked below.
Go to Suggested ReplacementAuto-Binner

This node allows to group numeric data in intervals - called bins. There are two naming options for the bins and two methods which define the number and the range of values that fall in a bin. Please use the "Numeric Binner" node if you want to define custom bins.


Column Selection:
Columns in the include list are processed separately. The columns in the exclude list are omitted by the node.
Binning Method:
Use Fixed number of bins for equal spaced intervals over the domain range and Sample quantiles to produces bins corresponding to the given list of probabilities. The smallest element corresponds to a probability of 0 and the largest do probability of 1. The applied estimation method is Type 7 which is the default method in R, S and Excel.
Bin Naming:
Use Numbered for bins labeled by an integer with prefix "Bin" or Borders for labels using '"(a,b]"' interval notation.
Replace target column(s):
If set the columns in the include list are replaced by the binned columns otherwise columns named with suffix '[binned]' are appended.

Input Ports

Data to be categorized

Output Ports

Data with bins defined
The PMML Model fragment containing information how to bin

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