Variable Filter

Filters flow variables to prevent their availability in downstream nodes. In KNIME Analytics Platform, flow variables are propagated along all connections, regardless of the connection type (data, database connection, predictive model, etc.). Once defined, these variables remain available to all downstream nodes unless one of two conditions is met:

  • The variable is defined within a scoped context, such as inside a loop or a component.
  • The variable is explicitly removed, for example, using this node.

Note that when a variable is removed within a loop (or another scoped context), it may be restored after the corresponding end node if it was originally defined outside of that context.

The input ports are merely passed through to the output ports. You can configure an arbitrary number of port pairs by adding them to the node.


Flow Variable Filter
The names of the flow variables that pass this filter node. See the general node description for details regarding which variables can be filtered.

Input Ports

The input data, which can be a data table or any other arbitrary port object.

Output Ports

The unaltered input object

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