KRIPO stands for Key Representation of Interaction in POckets .
Find similar fragments bound to similar subpockets as the subpocket associated with the query fragment based on the fingerprint similarity matrix.
This node requires the kripodb Python package.
If the kripodb Python package was not installed then go to and follow the installation instructions. To test if the package is installed run kripodb --version on the command line, it should print a version number if installed.
If the kripodb Python package was already installed then make sure that KNIME is using the same Python executable. In the File menu > Preferences > KNIME > Python make sure the path to the Python executable is the same Python which has the kripodb package installed. KNIME can use Python version 2 or 3, the node should have the Python version selected which has the Python package installed.
When combining this node with other Kripo nodes make sure the files are from the same dataset.
You want to see the source code for this node? Click the following button and we’ll use our super-powers to find it for you.
To use this node in KNIME, install the extension 3D-e-Chem KNIME nodes from the below update site following our NodePit Product and Node Installation Guide:
A zipped version of the software site can be downloaded here.
Deploy, schedule, execute, and monitor your KNIME workflows locally, in the cloud or on-premises – with our brand new NodePit Runner.
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Please note that this is only about NodePit. We do not provide general support for KNIME — please use the KNIME forums instead.