FSK Creator

This Node Is Deprecated — This version of the node has been replaced with a new and improved version. The old version is kept for backwards-compatibility, but for all new workflows we suggest to use the version linked below.
Go to Suggested ReplacementFSK Creator
The contents of the FSKX object are:
  • Model script: Calculates the results of the script (mandatory)
  • Parameters script: Used in some models to initialize parameters in the model (currently optional)
  • Visualization script: Generates some form of visualization for the results of the model (optional)
  • Model meta data encoded using the OpenFSMR template.
  • Set of libraries used.

Type SId

Some properties are taking unique identifiers of type SId. The SId type follows the pattern:

  • letter ::= ’a’..’z’,’A’..’Z’
  • digit ::= ’0’..’9’
  • nameChar ::= letter | digit | ’_’
  • name ::= ( letter | ’_’ ) nameChar*

Examples of valid SId: escherichia_coli10, _eColi.

Examples of invalid SId: 0escherichia_coli, , 0.

Structure of the metadata spreadsheet

Properties with multiple values

Properties taking multiple values are encoded using the two characters || as splitter. For example two variable units grams and liters would be encoded as gram || liter. If a variable has no unit then a whitespace is used instead, e.g. gram || .

Related properties like the independent variables have the same number of values across the properties. Therefore, the independent variable names, units, minimum and maximum values must have the same number of values to describe N variables. If a value is missing like a variable without unit then a whitespace must be used instead.

Property Cell Data type
Name F2 String
Identifier F3 SId
Organism(s)+Species F4 SId
Organism(s)+Species-Details F5 String
Environment+Compartment(s) F6 SId
Environment+Compartment(s)_Details F7 String
Creator F8 String
Reference description F9 String
Created F10 Date
Modified F11 Date
Rights-Accessibility F12 String
PMF-General-Notes F13 String
PMF-Type F14 String
PMF-Subject F15 String
PMF-Software F16 String
PMF curation status F18 String
PMF goodness of fit F19 String
PMF stochastic modeling? F20 String
PMF prediction conditions F21 String
PMF dependent variable F22 SId
PMF dependent variable unit F23 SId
PMF dependent variable min F24 Number
PMF dependent variable max F25 Number
PMF independent variables F26 SId (multiple values)
PMF independent variable units F27 SId (multiple values)
PMF independent variable minimum value F28 Number (multiple values)
PMF independent variable maximum value F29 Number (multiple values)


Selected R model script
File path of the selected R model
Selected R parameters script
File path of the R script with the initial values of the parameters of the model.
Selected R visualization script
File path of the R script with visualization script.
Selected XLSX spreadsheet
File path of the XLSX spreadsheet with meta data.
Selected R libraries
Selected R libraries.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

FSK object

Popular Predecessors

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Popular Successors


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  • No workflows found



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