Speedy Sequence Alignment Visualisation

The node generates an SVG rendering of pairs of aligned sequences.

This node was developed by Vernalis Research . For feedback and more information, please contact knime@vernalis.com


First Sequence Column
The String column containing the first aligned sequence
Second Sequence Column
The String column containing the second aligned sequence
Space every n residues
The aligned sequences should have a space character inserted every 'n' residues. If this value is 0, no spaces are inserted
Residues per line
The number of residues to be included on a line of the view
Match Colour
The colour to be used for matching (i.e. identical in both sequences) residues
Mismatch Colour
The colour to be used for mismatching (i.e. different, non-gap residues ) residues
Gap Colour
The colour to be used for sequence gaps
Whether the corresponding residue type (match, mismatch, gap) should be emboldened in the depiction

Input Ports

Incoming table containing aligned sequences

Output Ports

The SVG renderings of the aligned sequences

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