Slack Users Lookup By Email

Looks up the details for a Slack user given one or more email addresses by calling the users.lookupByEmail API method.

This node requires the scope

Rate Limiting: The underlying Java Slack API offers an async approach where it attempts to manage Rate Limits on API requests. This node node uses the aysnc version of the method and will allow approximated 50+ requests per minute for the 'Web API Tier 3' call. This node does not guarantee it was catch all rate limiting requirements. If you exceed the rate limits some calls may fail regardless.


Bot OAuth token
The OAth token of the bot to post as
A column with email addresses.

Input Ports

A table with a column detailing the emails of the users to retrieve details for.

Output Ports

Slack user details appended for each email that a user was found for. Missing columns appended if no user found.


This node has no views


  • No workflows found



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