Upload LiveDesign Models

Upload a set of models to LiveDesign
Backend implementation
LiveDesign_admin.py from KNIME scripts


LiveDesign host
Specify a LiveDesign host to upload a set of models. If "From the Preferences" is selected, then the value set in Preferences is taken.
Column containing model filepath
Select the column that contains the path to the model files (.knwf or .zip) to be uploaded.
Column containing New name (optional)
Select a column that contains new names for the uploaded models. This is optional and if no column is selected, then the name in the model file is used.
LiveDesign Protocol
Specify the LiveDesign parent protocol for the uploaded models. Either a protocol id or name can be specified. If empty, then the model's protocol will be used.
Column containing folder name
Select an input column containing folder names. If 'Use Default Folder' is selected, or if the cell in the selected column is missing, then value in 'Default Folder' field is used
Default Folder
Specify a default folder name (under 'Computational Models') to upload the Model
Schordinger Suite
Specify the Schrodinger Suite (on LiveDesign host) to be used for this Model. This will be the value of the 'SCHRODINGER' MODEL DATA in the Model. The format could be an absolute path of the SCHRODINGER on the LiveDesign host or simply the release year like '2019-3'. If "From the Preferences" is selected, then the value set in Preferences is taken. If "Same as current" is selected, the current Schroinger release version will be used. If left empty, the value in Preferences will be taken. If it is empty in Preferences too, then current Schrodinger release version will be used.
Extra arguments
Specify any extra arguments for the LiveDesign_admin.py script

Input Ports

Table of columns
LiveDesign Connection information

Output Ports


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