Desmond CMS Reader

Stores the location of Desmond Composite Model System files (.cms, .cmsgz and .cms.gz).

To remove files from the list select the file and press the 'Delete' key.

To select all files in the list press Ctrl-A.

To add all files that match a pattern, using an asterisk (*) into the dialog "File Name" field. Press return, and the file filter will show up in the "Files of Type" drop down, then press Ctrl-A to select all of the files that show up with that filter. The list of files will then show up in the "File Name:" field, space delimited with double quotes around each file name. Then press "Open" to load all of those files.


Desmond CMS files
Select the location of the CMS files
Copy files to directory
If selected, the CMS files will be copied to the selected directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

Desmond CMS


This node has no views


  • No workflows found



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