Tag Reader

This node takes a eFinGate Connection as input and allows to retrieve tags from within the connected eFinGate API. The node outputs the identified facts in tabular form.


Number of results that you want to skip.
Limit results to
Maximum number of results to retrieve.
Either issue an open (checked) or closed (unchecked) hypercube query. A closed hypercube query returns only results matching the exact explicitly and implicitly filtered dimensions as defined in the query. Explicitly filtered dimensions are provided as filtering parameters to the API. Implicitly filtered dimensions are defined as default filtered dimensions by each endpoint. Facts containing additional key dimensions will only be returned with an open hypercube query.
Either include the namespaces (checked) or not (unchecked) in the result.
Search a term
When checked, it enables the search field.
search a specific term.
When it is selected, no labels are included in the result.
Labels in columns
Include the labels as extra columns in the result.
Inline labels
Replace the aspects with their labels.
When it is checked, it includes all the aspects in the result. Else, you need to specify the columns in Columns text field.
A comma-separated text field that specifies the columns that must be included in the result.
Filter the result by adding specific filters. A filter must have a name, value and kind. The filter kind could be Constant, Column or Flow variable. If it has a constant kind, the value is parsed as constant. If it has a Column kind, the node must have a table as input and the value is read from the indicated column of that table. In case of Flow variable kind, the value is read from a flow variable passed as input to the node.

Input Ports

The eFinGate Connection
An optional table containing parameters

Output Ports

The retrieved tags in tabular form

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