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Search for Item

Get Spotify catalog information about albums, artists, playlists, tracks, shows, episodes or audiobooks that match a keyword string. Audiobooks are only available within the US, UK, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia markets.



Your search query.

You can narrow down your search using field filters. The available filters are album, artist, track, year, upc, tag:hipster, tag:new, isrc, and genre. Each field filter only applies to certain result types.

The artist and year filters can be used while searching albums, artists and tracks. You can filter on a single year or a range (e.g. 1955-1960).
The album filter can be used while searching albums and tracks.
The genre filter can be used while searching artists and tracks.
The isrc and track filters can be used while searching tracks.
The upc, tag:new and tag:hipster filters can only be used while searching albums. The tag:new filter will return albums released in the past two weeks and tag:hipster can be used to return only albums with the lowest 10% popularity.

A comma-separated list of item types to search across. Search results include hits from all the specified item types. For example: q=abacab&type=album,track returns both albums and tracks matching "abacab".
Market (*)
An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned.
If a valid user access token is specified in the request header, the country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter.
Note: If neither market or user country are provided, the content is considered unavailable for the client.
Users can view the country that is associated with their account in the account settings.
Limit (*)
The maximum number of results to return in each item type.
Offset (*)
The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.
Include External (*)
If include_external=audio is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response.
Result Format

Specify how the response should be mapped to the table output. The following formats are available:

Structured Table: Returns a parsed table with data split into rows and columns.

  • Tracks:
  • Artists:
  • Albums:
  • Playlists:
  • Shows:
  • Episodes:
  • Audiobooks:

Raw Response: Returns the raw response in a single row with the following columns:

  • body: Response body
  • status: HTTP status code

Input Ports

Configuration data.

Output Ports

Result of the request depending on the selected Result Format.
Configuration data (this is the same as the input port; it is provided as passthrough for sequentially chaining nodes to declutter your workflow connections).

Popular Predecessors

  • No recommendations found

Popular Successors

  • No recommendations found


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