Retrieve Release Health Session Statistics

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Returns a time series of release health session statistics for projects bound to an organization.

The interval and date range are subject to certain restrictions and rounding rules.

The date range is rounded to align with the interval, and is rounded to at least one hour. The interval can at most be one day and at least one hour currently. It has to cleanly divide one day, for rounding reasons.

Apart from the query parameters listed below, this endpoint also supports the usual pagination parameters.


Organization Slug
The slug of the organization.

The ID of the projects to filter by.

Use -1 to include all accessible projects.


The list of fields to query.

The available fields are

  • sum(session)
  • count_unique(user)
  • avg, p50, p75, p90, p95, p99, max applied to session.duration. For example, p99(session.duration). Session duration is no longer being recorded as of on Jan 12, 2023. Returned data may be incomplete.
  • crash_rate, crash_free_rate applied to user or session. For example, crash_free_rate(user)
Environment (*)
The name of environments to filter by.
Group By (*)

The list of properties to group by.

The available groupBy conditions are project, release, environment and session.status.

Grouping by session.status does not work when crash_rate or crash_free_rate are queried.

Order By (*)

An optional field to order by, which must be one of the fields provided in field. Use - for descending order, for example -sum(session).

This alters the order of the groups returned, so it only makes sense in combination with groupBy.

Ordering by more than one field is currently not supported.

Query (*)

A free-form query that is applied as a filter.

An example query could be release:"1.1.0" or release:"1.2.0".

Stats Period (*)

This defines the range of the time series, relative to now.

The range is given in a "<number><unit>" format.

For example 1d for a one day range. Possible units are m for minutes, h for hours, d for days and w for weeks.

It defaults to 90d.

Interval (*)

This is the resolution of the time series, given in the same format as statsPeriod.

The default resolution is 1h and the minimum resolution is currently restricted to 1h as well.

Intervals larger than 1d are not supported, and the interval has to cleanly divide one day.

Stats Period Start (*)

This defines the start of the time series range, in the same format as the interval, relative to now.

Stats Period End (*)

This defines the end of the time series range, in the same format as the interval, relative to now.

Start (*)
This defines the start of the time series range as an explicit datetime.
End (*)
This defines the inclusive end of the time series range as an explicit datetime.
Result Format
Specify how the response should be mapped to the table output. The following formats are available:
  • Structured Table: Returns a parsed table with data split into rows and columns.
    • Start: The start time of the data being returned.
    • End: The exclusive end time of the data being returned.
    • Intervals:

      The time slices of the timeseries data given in the groups[].series field.

    • Groups:
  • Raw Response: Returns the raw response in a single row with the following columns:
    • body: Response body
    • status: HTTP status code

Input Ports

Configuration data.

Output Ports

Result of the request depending on the selected Result Format.
Configuration data (this is the same as the input port; it is provided as passthrough for sequentially chaining nodes to declutter your workflow connections).

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