Search for Issues Using JQL

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Search for issues using JQL (GET)

Searches for issues using JQL.

If the JQL query expression is too large to be encoded as a query parameter, use the POST version of this resource.

This operation can be accessed anonymously.

Permissions required: Issues are included in the response where the user has:


JQL (*)

The JQL that defines the search. Note:

  • If no JQL expression is provided, all issues are returned.
  • username and userkey cannot be used as search terms due to privacy reasons. Use accountId instead.
  • If a user has hidden their email address in their user profile, partial matches of the email address will not find the user. An exact match is required.
Start At (*)
The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset).
Max Results (*)
The maximum number of items to return per page. To manage page size, Jira may return fewer items per page where a large number of fields are requested. The greatest number of items returned per page is achieved when requesting id or key only.
Validate Query (*)

Determines how to validate the JQL query and treat the validation results. Supported values are:

  • strict Returns a 400 response code if any errors are found, along with a list of all errors (and warnings).
  • warn Returns all errors as warnings.
  • none No validation is performed.
  • true Deprecated A legacy synonym for strict.
  • false Deprecated A legacy synonym for warn.

Note: If the JQL is not correctly formed a 400 response code is returned, regardless of the validateQuery value.

Fields (*)

A list of fields to return for each issue, use it to retrieve a subset of fields. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:

  • *all Returns all fields.
  • *navigable Returns navigable fields.
  • Any issue field, prefixed with a minus to exclude.


  • summary,comment Returns only the summary and comments fields.
  • -description Returns all navigable (default) fields except description.
  • *all,-comment Returns all fields except comments.

This parameter may be specified multiple times. For example, fields=field1,field2&fields=field3.

Note: All navigable fields are returned by default. This differs from GET issue where the default is all fields.

Expand (*)

Use expand to include additional information about issues in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:

  • renderedFields Returns field values rendered in HTML format.
  • names Returns the display name of each field.
  • schema Returns the schema describing a field type.
  • transitions Returns all possible transitions for the issue.
  • operations Returns all possible operations for the issue.
  • editmeta Returns information about how each field can be edited.
  • changelog Returns a list of recent updates to an issue, sorted by date, starting from the most recent.
  • versionedRepresentations Instead of fields, returns versionedRepresentations a JSON array containing each version of a field's value, with the highest numbered item representing the most recent version.
Properties (*)
A list of issue property keys for issue properties to include in the results. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Multiple properties can also be provided using an ampersand separated list. For example, properties=prop1,prop2&properties=prop3. A maximum of 5 issue property keys can be specified.
Fields by Keys (*)
Reference fields by their key (rather than ID).
Fail Fast (*)
Whether to fail the request quickly in case of an error while loading fields for an issue. For failFast=true, if one field fails, the entire operation fails. For failFast=false, the operation will continue even if a field fails. It will return a valid response, but without values for the failed field(s).
Result Format

Specify how the response should be mapped to the table output. The following formats are available:

Structured Table: Returns a parsed table with data split into rows and columns.

  • Issue Type:
  • Issue Key: The key of the issue.
  • Issue ID: The ID of the issue.
  • Parent ID:
  • Summary:
  • Assignee:
  • Assignee ID:
  • Reporter:
  • Reporter ID:
  • Priority:
  • Status:
  • Resolution:
  • Created:
  • Updated:
  • Due Date:
  • Labels:

Raw Response: Returns the raw response in a single row with the following columns:

  • body: Response body
  • status: HTTP status code

Input Ports

Configuration data.

Output Ports

Result of the request depending on the selected Result Format.
Configuration data (this is the same as the input port; it is provided as passthrough for sequentially chaining nodes to declutter your workflow connections).

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