Lookup Funding Round's Single Card

Lookup Funding Round's single card


Entity Id
UUID or permalink of desired entity
Card Id
A card to include on the resulting entity
Card Field Ids (*)
Card fields to include on the specified card - array of field_id strings in JSON encoded as string
After Id (*)
Lookup uuid of the last item in the previous page (not required for first page). Used to iterate a card's results starting at the beginning of the ordered set and moving forward. Suitable for implementing "next page" functionality. May not be provided simultaneously with before_id.
Before Id (*)
Lookup uuid of the first item in the previous page (not required for first page). Used to iterate a card's results starting at the end of the ordered set and moving backward. Suitable for implementing "previous page" functionality. May not be provided simultaneously with after_id.
Order (*)
Field name with order direction (asc/desc)
Limit (*)
Number of rows to return. Default is 100, min is 1, max is 100.
Result Format

Specify how the response should be mapped to the table output. The following formats are available:

Structured Table: Returns a parsed table with data split into rows and columns.

  • Announced On: Date that the Funding Round was publicly announced
    Field Type: date
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gte, lte
  • Closed On: Date that the Funding Round was closed
    Field Type: date_precision
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gte, lte
  • Created At: Field Type: datetime
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gte, lte
  • Entity Def Id:

    Field Type: enum
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes
    Possible values are:

    • funding_round - Funding Round
  • Funded Organization Categories: Industries of the organization that got funded
    Field Type: identifier_multi
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all
  • Funded Organization Description: Description of the organization that got funded
    Field Type: text_long
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, contains, not_contains
  • Funded Organization Diversity Spotlights: Types of diversity represented in an organization, specifically of those who are founding members, currently the CEO, or have check-writing abilities in an investment firm. This feature is in beta and may change with future updates.
    Field Type: identifier_multi
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all
  • Funded Organization Funding Stage:

    Organization's most recent funding status
    Field Type: enum
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes
    Possible values are:

    • early_stage_venture - Early Stage Venture
    • ipo - IPO
    • late_stage_venture - Late Stage Venture
    • m_and_a - M&A
    • private_equity - Private Equity
    • seed - Seed
  • Funded Organization Funding Total: Total funding amount raised across all Funding Rounds
    Field Type: money
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq
  • Funded Organization Identifier: Name of the organization that got funded
    Field Type: identifier
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, contains, eq, includes, not_contains, not_eq, not_includes, starts
  • Funded Organization Location: Location of the organization that got funded
    Field Type: identifier_multi
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all
  • Funded Organization Revenue Range:

    Revenue range of the organization that got funded
    Field Type: enum
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes
    Possible values are:

    • r_00000000 - Less than $1M
    • r_00001000 - $1M to $10M
    • r_00010000 - $10M to $50M
    • r_00050000 - $50M to $100M
    • r_00100000 - $100M to $500M
    • r_00500000 - $500M to $1B
    • r_01000000 - $1B to $10B
    • r_10000000 - $10B+
  • Identifier: Auto-generated name of transaction (e.g. Angel - Uber)
    Field Type: identifier
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, contains, eq, includes, not_contains, not_eq, not_includes, starts
  • Image Id: Field Type: image_id
    Searchable: No
  • Investment Stage:

    The funding stage of a funding round
    Field Type: enum
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes
    Possible values are:

    • early_stage_venture - Early Stage Venture
    • late_stage_venture - Late Stage Venture
    • private_equity - Private Equity
    • seed - Seed
  • Investment Type:

    Type of Funding Round (e.g. Seed, Series A, Private Equity, Debt Financing)
    Field Type: enum
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes
    Possible values are:

    • angel - Angel
    • convertible_note - Convertible Note
    • corporate_round - Corporate Round
    • debt_financing - Debt Financing
    • equity_crowdfunding - Equity Crowdfunding
    • grant - Grant
    • initial_coin_offering - Initial Coin Offering
    • non_equity_assistance - Non-equity Assistance
    • post_ipo_debt - Post-IPO Debt
    • post_ipo_equity - Post-IPO Equity
    • post_ipo_secondary - Post-IPO Secondary
    • pre_seed - Pre-Seed
    • private_equity - Private Equity
    • product_crowdfunding - Product Crowdfunding
    • secondary_market - Secondary Market
    • seed - Seed
    • series_a - Series A
    • series_b - Series B
    • series_c - Series C
    • series_d - Series D
    • series_e - Series E
    • series_f - Series F
    • series_g - Series G
    • series_h - Series H
    • series_i - Series I
    • series_j - Series J
    • series_unknown - Venture - Series Unknown
    • undisclosed - Funding Round
  • Investor Identifiers: Names of all investors who invested in the funding round
    Field Type: identifier_multi
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all
  • Is Equity: This indicates whether the Funding Round is financed only through equity.
    Field Type: boolean
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, eq
  • Lead Investor Identifiers: Name of the investor who led the investment in the funding round
    Field Type: identifier_multi
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all
  • Money Raised: Amount of money raised in Funding Round
    Field Type: money
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq
  • Name: Field Type: text_blob
    Searchable: No
  • Num Investors: Total number of Investors in a Funding Round
    Field Type: integer
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq
  • Num Partners: Total number of Partner Investors in a Funding Round
    Field Type: integer
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq
  • Permalink: Field Type: permalink
    Searchable: No
  • Post Money Valuation: Valuation of a Company after a Funding Round
    Field Type: money
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq
  • Pre Money Valuation: Valuation of a Company prior to a Funding Round
    Field Type: money
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq
  • Rank Funding Round: Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Funding Rounds
    Field Type: integer
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq
  • Short Description: Short description of the Funding Round
    Field Type: text_long
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, contains, not_contains
  • Target Money Raised: Amount of money the funded Organization would like to raised in the Funding Round
    Field Type: money
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq
  • Updated At: Field Type: datetime
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gte, lte
  • Uuid: Field Type: uuid
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes

Raw Response: Returns the raw response in a single row with the following columns:

  • body: Response body
  • status: HTTP status code

Input Ports

Configuration data.

Output Ports

Result of the request depending on the selected Result Format.
Configuration data (this is the same as the input port; it is provided as passthrough for sequentially chaining nodes to declutter your workflow connections).

Popular Predecessors

  • No recommendations found

Popular Successors

  • No recommendations found


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  • No workflows found



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