Lookup a Location

Lookup a Location


Entity Id
UUID or permalink of desired entity
Field Ids (*)
Fields to include on the resulting entity - either an array of field_id strings in JSON or a comma-separated list encoded as string
Card Ids (*)
Cards to include on the resulting entity - array of card_id strings in JSON encoded as string\ Card Ids for Location: [fields]
Result Format

Specify how the response should be mapped to the table output. The following formats are available:

Structured Table: Returns a parsed table with data split into rows and columns.

  • Country Code: Short alphabetic or numeric geographical codes that represent countries (e.g. TWN, USA, ZAF)
    Field Type: text_blob
    Searchable: No
  • Country Code Ext: Field Type: text_blob
    Searchable: No
  • Created At: Created At
    Field Type: datetime
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gte, lte
  • Entity Def Id:

    Field Type: enum
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes
    Possible values are:

    • location - Location
  • Facet Ids: Type of location (e.g. City, Continent, Regional Area)
    Field Type: enum_multi
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all
  • Groups: Regional areas this location belongs to (e.g. San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley)
    Field Type: identifier_multi
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all
  • Identifier: Short location name (e.g. Japan, San Francisco, Europe)
    Field Type: identifier
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, contains, eq, includes, not_contains, not_eq, not_includes, starts
  • Locations: Full location name (e.g. Denver, Colorado, United States, North America)
    Field Type: identifier_multi
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all
  • Name: Field Type: text_blob
    Searchable: No
  • Permalink: Field Type: permalink
    Searchable: No
  • Permalink Aliases: These are the alternative aliases to the primary permalink of the Organization
    Field Type: text_exact_multi
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all
  • Region Code: Region code used to define location
    Field Type: text_blob
    Searchable: No
  • Short Description: Description
    Field Type: text_long
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, contains, not_contains
  • Updated At: Updated At
    Field Type: datetime
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gte, lte
  • Uuid: Field Type: uuid
    Searchable: Yes
    Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes

Raw Response: Returns the raw response in a single row with the following columns:

  • body: Response body
  • status: HTTP status code

Input Ports

Configuration data.

Output Ports

Result of the request depending on the selected Result Format.
Configuration data (this is the same as the input port; it is provided as passthrough for sequentially chaining nodes to declutter your workflow connections).

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