Request Contact Export

Export contacts

It returns the background process ID which on completion calls the notify URL that you have set in the input. File will be available in csv.


Values to request a contact export

Request body which must comply to the following JSON Schema:

  "required" : [ "customContactFilter" ],
  "type" : "object",
  "properties" : {
    "exportAttributes" : {
      "type" : "array",
      "description" : "List of all the attributes that you want to export. **These attributes must be present in your contact database.** For example:\n**['fname', 'lname', 'email']**\n",
      "items" : {
        "type" : "string",
        "example" : "NAME"
    "customContactFilter" : {
      "type" : "object",
      "properties" : {
        "actionForContacts" : {
          "type" : "string",
          "description" : "**Mandatory if neither actionForEmailCampaigns nor actionForSmsCampaigns is passed.** This will export the contacts on the basis of provided action applied on contacts as per the list id.\n* **allContacts** - Fetch the list of all contacts for a particular list.\n* **subscribed & unsubscribed** - Fetch the list of subscribed / unsubscribed (blacklisted via any means) contacts for a particular list.\n* **unsubscribedPerList** - Fetch the list of contacts that are unsubscribed from a particular list only.\n",
          "enum" : [ "allContacts", "subscribed", "unsubscribed", "unsubscribedPerList" ]
        "actionForEmailCampaigns" : {
          "type" : "string",
          "description" : "**Mandatory if neither actionForContacts nor actionForSmsCampaigns is passed.** This will export the contacts on the basis of provided action applied on email campaigns.\n* **openers & nonOpeners** - emailCampaignId is mandatory. Fetch the list of readers / non-readers for a particular email campaign.\n* **clickers & nonClickers** - emailCampaignId is mandatory. Fetch the list of clickers / non-clickers for a particular email campaign.\n* **unsubscribed** - emailCampaignId is mandatory. Fetch the list of all unsubscribed (blacklisted via any means) contacts for a particular email campaign.\n* **hardBounces & softBounces** - emailCampaignId is optional. Fetch the list of hard bounces / soft bounces for a particular / all email campaign(s).\n",
          "enum" : [ "openers", "nonOpeners", "clickers", "nonClickers", "unsubscribed", "hardBounces", "softBounces" ]
        "actionForSmsCampaigns" : {
          "type" : "string",
          "description" : "**Mandatory if neither actionForContacts nor actionForEmailCampaigns is passed.** This will export the contacts on the basis of provided action applied on sms campaigns.\n* **unsubscribed** - Fetch the list of all unsubscribed (blacklisted via any means) contacts for all / particular sms campaigns.\n* **hardBounces & softBounces** - Fetch the list of hard bounces / soft bounces for all / particular sms campaigns.\n",
          "enum" : [ "hardBounces", "softBounces", "unsubscribed" ]
        "listId" : {
          "type" : "integer",
          "description" : "**Mandatory if actionForContacts is passed, ignored otherwise.** Id of the list for which the corresponding action shall be applied in the filter.\n",
          "format" : "int64",
          "example" : 2
        "emailCampaignId" : {
          "type" : "integer",
          "description" : "Considered only if **actionForEmailCampaigns** is passed, ignored otherwise. **Mandatory if action is one of the following - openers, nonOpeners, clickers, nonClickers, unsubscribed.**\nThe id of the email campaign for which the corresponding action shall be applied in the filter.\n",
          "format" : "int64",
          "example" : 12
        "smsCampaignId" : {
          "type" : "integer",
          "description" : "Considered only if **actionForSmsCampaigns** is passed, ignored otherwise. The id of sms campaign for which the corresponding action shall be applied in the filter.\n",
          "format" : "int64",
          "example" : 12
      "description" : "Set the filter for the contacts to be exported.\n"
    "notifyUrl" : {
      "type" : "string",
      "description" : "Webhook that will be called once the export process is finished. For reference,",
      "format" : "url",
      "example" : ""
Result Format

Specify how the response should be mapped to the table output. The following formats are available:

Raw Response: Returns the raw response in a single row with the following columns:

  • status: HTTP status code

Input Ports

Configuration data.

Output Ports

Result of the request depending on the selected Result Format.
Configuration data (this is the same as the input port; it is provided as passthrough for sequentially chaining nodes to declutter your workflow connections).

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