Import Contacts

Import contacts

It returns the background process ID which on completion calls the notify URL that you have set in the input.


  • Any contact attribute that doesn't exist in your account will be ignored at import end.


Values to import contacts in Brevo. To know more about the expected format, please have a look at

Request body which must comply to the following JSON Schema:

  "type" : "object",
  "properties" : {
    "fileUrl" : {
      "type" : "string",
      "description" : "**Mandatory if fileBody and jsonBody is not defined.** URL of the file to be imported (**no local file**). Possible file formats:\n#### .txt, .csv, .json\n",
      "format" : "url",
      "example" : ""
    "fileBody" : {
      "type" : "string",
      "description" : "**Mandatory if fileUrl and jsonBody is not defined.** CSV content to be imported. Use semicolon to separate multiple attributes. **Maximum allowed file body size is 10MB** . However we recommend a safe limit of around 8 MB to avoid the issues caused due to increase of file body size while parsing. Please use fileUrl instead to import bigger files.\n",
      "example" : "NAME;SURNAME;EMAIL\nSmith;John;\nRoger;Ellie;"
    "jsonBody" : {
      "type" : "array",
      "description" : "**Mandatory if fileUrl and fileBody is not defined.** JSON content to be imported. **Maximum allowed json body size is 10MB** . However we recommend a safe limit of around 8 MB to avoid the issues caused due to increase of json body size while parsing. Please use fileUrl instead to import bigger files.\n",
      "items" : {
        "type" : "object",
        "properties" : {
          "email" : {
            "type" : "string"
          "attributes" : {
            "type" : "object",
            "additionalProperties" : true,
            "description" : "List of attributes to be imported"
        "example" : {
          "email" : "",
          "attributes" : {
            "LNAME" : "Noemi",
            "FNAME" : "Dicky",
            "COUNTRY" : "DE",
            "BIRTHDAY" : "11/02/1989",
            "PREFERED_COLOR" : "BLACK",
            "WHATSAPP" : "33689965433",
            "LANDLINE_NUMBER" : "33689965433",
            "SMS" : "33689965433"
    "listIds" : {
      "type" : "array",
      "description" : "**Mandatory if newList is not defined.** Ids of the lists in which the contacts shall be imported. For example, **[2, 4, 7]**.\n",
      "items" : {
        "type" : "integer",
        "description" : "List Id in which the contacts shall be imported",
        "format" : "int64",
        "example" : 76
    "notifyUrl" : {
      "type" : "string",
      "description" : "URL that will be called once the import process is finished. For reference,",
      "format" : "url",
      "example" : ""
    "newList" : {
      "type" : "object",
      "properties" : {
        "listName" : {
          "type" : "string",
          "description" : "List with listName will be created first and users will be imported in it. **Mandatory if listIds is empty**.\n",
          "example" : "ContactImport - 2017-05"
        "folderId" : {
          "type" : "integer",
          "description" : "Id of the folder where this new list shall be created. **Mandatory if listName is not empty**\n",
          "format" : "int64",
          "example" : 2
      "description" : "To create a new list and import the contacts into it, pass the listName and an optional folderId."
    "emailBlacklist" : {
      "type" : "boolean",
      "description" : "To blacklist all the contacts for email",
      "example" : false,
      "default" : false
    "disableNotification" : {
      "type" : "boolean",
      "description" : "To disable email notification",
      "example" : false,
      "default" : false
    "smsBlacklist" : {
      "type" : "boolean",
      "description" : "To blacklist all the contacts for sms",
      "example" : false,
      "default" : false
    "updateExistingContacts" : {
      "type" : "boolean",
      "description" : "To facilitate the choice to update the existing contacts",
      "example" : true,
      "default" : true
    "emptyContactsAttributes" : {
      "type" : "boolean",
      "description" : "To facilitate the choice to erase any attribute of the existing contacts with empty value. emptyContactsAttributes = true means the empty fields in your import will erase any attribute that currently contain data in Brevo, & emptyContactsAttributes = false means the empty fields will not affect your existing data ( **only available if `updateExistingContacts` set to true **)\n",
      "example" : true,
      "default" : false
Result Format

Specify how the response should be mapped to the table output. The following formats are available:

Raw Response: Returns the raw response in a single row with the following columns:

  • status: HTTP status code

Input Ports

Configuration data.

Output Ports

Result of the request depending on the selected Result Format.
Configuration data (this is the same as the input port; it is provided as passthrough for sequentially chaining nodes to declutter your workflow connections).

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