General MM Query Executor

This node executes queries against a MatchMaker index using the Recall web API. The input data and configuration are transformed into MatchMakerQueries in JSON format and sent to the MatchMaker server via the Recall web API. The results are then parsed and transformed into output tables.


Recall Bridge Endpoint
Endpoint containing the full routing to the recall bridge, project, session and recall type, e.g. http://localhost:8081/mmapi/recall/projects/person_sample/sessions/default/search
MM Project Key
API Key of the MatchMaker project

Query Configuration

Name of index field to be used as a level of abstraction to generate results with
Field combination to be used for top level search
Mininum Confidence
Minimum confidence for returned results. Valid values: integers between 0-255
Maximum Distance
Maximum confidence distance for result group. Valid values: integers between 0-255
Number of Suggestions
Maximum number of suggestions to be returned from server. Valid values: integers between 0-10000000
Result Type
Type of results to be returned from server
Start index for the result view. Requires 'rows' to also be specified. Valid values: integers >= -1
Number of rows for the result view. Requires 'start' to also be specified. Valid values: integers >= -1

Input Ports

Query table
A table containing field names, with the recall mode, weight, and rescale for that field. The table must at least contain the columns "name" and "mode", while the columns "weight" and "rescale" are optional. Columns, when present, must carry the exact name as described

Output Ports

Table containing all records returned by MatchMaker for each one of the input queries, given the field and query configuration
Table containing the input records returning no results from the recall, given the field and query configuration
Queries resulting in HTTP response status codes not equal to 200

Popular Predecessors

  • No recommendations found

Popular Successors

  • No recommendations found


This node has no views


  • No workflows found



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