Proteax inline_mods

Lists all inline modifications in supplied protein entry.


Protein text or molfile
Protein entry in UniProt, PLN, GPMAW, FASTA, or MDL molfile format.
Inline mod format
Inline modification output format. Use 'inline-mod-format=sdfile' to output modification data in MDL SD file format. The default output format is as PLN inline-mod properties separated by linefeeds.
Result column name
Name of appended column with result.
Add error column
Adds a column with any error messages. The error column is always named like the output column plus " - error". If the error column is not added, all errors will be logged to the KNIME console instead.

Input Ports

Table with at least one column that has a protein entry or molfile.

Output Ports

Table with an appended column containing the calculated result.

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