Read from GML

Reads spatial data stored in Geography Markup Language (GML) format and decodes the geometries into WKT (Well-known Text Representation). Decodes every attribute of the spatial features as a column of a corresponding KNIME type.

Note that KML data is always assumed to be encoded in the Coordinate Reference System EPSG:4326. If you have problems with further processing of spatial data, you might try to reproject to another CRS using the "Reproject WKT geometries" node.

GML is a complex format; it is not a totally defined format, but more a family of formats which can be tuned by schemas. There is no reference validation tool for developers to ensure their code writes or reads these formats properly. As a consequence, writing and reading GML features remain an uncertain experience.

The actual decoding of the GML format is done by the geotools library.


Selected file
The GML to open (often finishing with .gml)
skip standard columns
Skip the columns which are automatically created by the underlying library and are most of the time useless ("bounded by", "description", "name"). Uncheck if one column of interest to you does not appear after reading.

Input Ports

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Output Ports

The population with their attributes and WKT representation.

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