IconAutomate Away - webinar demo workflow 

Workflow accompanying the KNIME "Automate Away" webinar 5 October 2023 Thanks for those who joined the webinar. I hope you found it useful! @takbb […]

IconFourier Transform for Singal Classification 

In this workflow I apply the fourier transform to audio recordings of 4 different sources to generate cross sectional data for use in a classification […]

IconFourier Transform for Singal Classification 

In this workflow I apply the fourier transform to audio recordings of 4 different sources to generate cross sectional data for use in a classification […]


Scope: Compile instrument tracking information. Remarks: Use Excel spreadsheet as input file (Orbi-Booking data sheet). Generate Excel […]

IconProgetto ML 

Sentiment Analysis (Classification) of Documents This workflow shows how to import text from a csv file, convert it to documents, preprocess the […]


This workflow performs classification on data sets that were reduced using the following dimensionality reduction techniques: - Linear Discriminant […]