Run Spreadsheet Viewer 

View a data table with OpenOffice

Covalent Docking 

Dock a set of ligands to a receptor, in which the ligands form a covalent bond to a receptor residue or site by a specified type of reaction

Glide XP Visualizer 

Runs the XP Visualizer by starting Maestro

AutoQSAR Build Model 

Generate QSAR models for a chosen property of a set of compounds, and apply the QSAR model to other compounds.

Reaction Based Enumeration 

Set up the reaction or reaction sequence.

Job Control 

Displays the job information for the given job ids.

Alignment Reader 

Read alignments in FASTA or Maestro format

Assign Bond Orders 

This node uses to assign double and triple bonds to structures in the workspace based on molecular geometry (bond length, bond […]

Run Canvas Deprecated

Launch Canvas