Salesforce Authentication Extractor 

Extracts Access Token and Instance URL from a Salesforce Connection

ARIMA Parameter Extractor 

Extracts parameters from ARIMA Port Object and returns them as a table.

Acoustic Feature Extractor Streamable

Extracts Acoustic features from an audio cell.

Audio Data Extractor Streamable

Extracts audio data e.g. frame length, duration etc. into table columns.

Vocabulary Extractor (legacy) 

Extract vocabulary and word vectors from a Word Vector Model.

Vocabulary Extractor (legacy) Deprecated

Extract vocabulary and word vectors from Word Vector Model.

Workflow Summary Extractor 

Extracts a workflow summary from a workflow port object as a XML or JSON document.

Node List Extractor 

Extract the list of installed nodes.

HTTP Result Data Extractor 

Extract string content, status code and HTTP headers from HTTP Result cells.

mbox Header Extractor (simple) 

Extracts commonly used message headers.