Variance Filter Streamable

Applys Variance filtering to images in n-dimensions

h-Dome Extraction Streamable

Extract regions of height h from an image.

Thinning Streamable

Reduce an image to its skeleton, a simplified representation which is topologically equivalent.

Distance Map Streamable

Transforms a binary image into a distance map.

Convex Hull Streamable

Determines the convex hull of a point cloud in a BINARY image for two dimensions.

Local Thresholding Streamable

Performs an efficient local binary thresholding on an input image.

Local Thresholding (deprecated) Streamable

Performs an efficient local binary thresholding on an input image.

Create Image Edit 

Creates an edited or extended image given an original image and a prompt.

Interaction Types Retriever 

KNIME node to retrieve the different interaction types that are encoded for each pocket residue in the interaction fingerprint.

Colorspace Converter Streamable

Converts an image between different color spaces, e.g. from RGB to HSB (and back) or from RGB to Lab (and back).