ImageJ Macro Streamable

Applies ImageJ macros to images.

Plate Heatmap Viewer 

Creates trellis of plate heatmaps to explore a set of microtiter plates (High Content Screen Data).

XLS Background Colorizer 

The XLS Background Colorizer node changes the background color and/or pattern fill for selected cells. The color information is statically defined. Consider […]

Decision Tree to Image 

Renders a decision tree view on an image (PNG).

XLS Formatter (apply) Deprecated

The XLS Formatter (apply) node applies the chained commands from XLS Formatter nodes to an unformatted xlsx file.

Image Writer (Table) Streamable

Writes all images from a specific column to a directory.

Table to Image 

Converts an image contained in a table row to an image object.

Read PNG Images Deprecated

Read PNG images from a list of URLs and append them as a new column.