

Login to Facebook; credentials must be provided as workflow variables (right-click on the current workflow in the "KNIME Explorer" on the left, choose "Workflow Variables...") Open profile page Open friends section Perform (in)finite scrolling(adjust the number of iterations depending on your friend list size; optimally one would usea end loop condition to check when no new data is appended) Extract data Extracts all Facebook friends names + profile page URLs.Original workflow by Bora İlkinönü,updated for current Facebook and Selenium Nodes by Philipp Katzenter workflowvariablesextract profile URLenter workflowvariablesextract nameNode 36Node 42Node 45scroll downNode 50Node 51Node 53Node 54submit login dataimportant:we only need oneWebDriver inputemail/phoneinputpasswordinputsubmit buttonlink to my profile pagelink tomy friends pagefind friend elements Start WebDriver Send Keys Extract Attribute Send Keys Execute JavaScript Click Click Wait Execute JavaScript Counting Loop Start Loop End Quit WebDriver Wait Click Row Filter WebDriver Factory Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements Login to Facebook; credentials must be provided as workflow variables (right-click on the current workflow in the "KNIME Explorer" on the left, choose "Workflow Variables...") Open profile page Open friends section Perform (in)finite scrolling(adjust the number of iterations depending on your friend list size; optimally one would usea end loop condition to check when no new data is appended) Extract data Extracts all Facebook friends names + profile page URLs.Original workflow by Bora İlkinönü,updated for current Facebook and Selenium Nodes by Philipp Katzenter workflowvariablesextract profile URLenter workflowvariablesextract nameNode 36Node 42Node 45scroll downNode 50Node 51Node 53Node 54submit login dataimportant:we only need oneWebDriver inputemail/phoneinputpasswordinputsubmit buttonlink to my profile pagelink tomy friends pagefind friend elementsStart WebDriver Send Keys Extract Attribute Send Keys Execute JavaScript Click Click Wait Execute JavaScript Counting Loop Start Loop End Quit WebDriver Wait Click Row Filter WebDriver Factory Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements


