

This workflow performs a basic peptide identification search.
The mzML files are searched with X!Tandem against a protein database.
The results are written out in idXML format into a specified directory.

Example input data:
To download the data from the archive linked below, check the box on the folder and click on the download button (arrow) on the top left.
Download and unpack the "Example_Data" data into a directory "Example_data" right inside your KNIME workspace.

URL: Home of the OpenMS plugin https://www.openms.de/
URL: Download Example Data https://abibuilder.cs.uni-tuebingen.de/archive/openms/Tutorials/

Basic Peptide IdentificationThis workflow performs a basic peptide identification search.The mzML files are searched with X!Tandem against a protein database.The results are written out in idXML format into a specified directory. Define input data here.If the example data is used, itshould be in Example_Datanext to this workflow. Define the outputdirectory here.One idXML outputfile for each mzMLinput file will bewritten out in thisdirectory. Node 2Node 4Node 78Spectrum Files (.mzML)OutputProtein Database (.fasta)ZipLoopStart ZipLoopEnd XTandemAdapter File Importer File Exporter File Importer Basic Peptide IdentificationThis workflow performs a basic peptide identification search.The mzML files are searched with X!Tandem against a protein database.The results are written out in idXML format into a specified directory. Define input data here.If the example data is used, itshould be in Example_Datanext to this workflow. Define the outputdirectory here.One idXML outputfile for each mzMLinput file will bewritten out in thisdirectory. Node 2Node 4Node 78Spectrum Files (.mzML)OutputProtein Database (.fasta)ZipLoopStart ZipLoopEnd XTandemAdapter File Importer File Exporter File Importer



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