

Dictionary based tagging

The workflow starts reads ten famous fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and two dictionaries containing the names or part of the names.

Branch 1:
The words of the first dictionary are searched by the Dictionary Tagger node in the documents. Found terms in the documents are tagged with PERSON tags. Document terms and dictionary words are compared case insensitive by exact match. Then the tagged terms are filtered and a bag of words is created.

Branch 2:
The words of the second dictionary are search in the documents by the Dictionary tagger. Found terms in the documents are tagged with PERSON tags. Document terms and dictionary words are compared case insensitive by non-exact match, meaning that a document term is tagged if it containes a word of the dictionary. Then the tagged terms are filtered and a bag of words is created.

Input Data Ten famous fairy tales of Brothes Grimm anddictionaries used for tagging. Tagging Dictionary based tagging with exact matchesand non-exact matches (contains matches) tofind words specified in the dictionaries. Filtering Filter terms that have been tagged beforehand. This workflow tags all person in fairy tales from Brothers Grimm based on a diciotnary with contaning all the names. Dictionaryfor exact matchesDictionaryfor non exact matches(contains matches)Grimms fairy talesfilter terms taggedwith PERSON tagfilter terms taggedwith PERSON tagtag entities basedon dictionary withPERSON tagusing exact matchingtag entities basedon dictionary withPERSON tagusing non-exact (contains) matching Table Creator Table Creator Table Reader Tag Filter Tag Filter Dictionary Tagger Dictionary Tagger Bag Of WordsCreator Bag Of WordsCreator Input Data Ten famous fairy tales of Brothes Grimm anddictionaries used for tagging. Tagging Dictionary based tagging with exact matchesand non-exact matches (contains matches) tofind words specified in the dictionaries. Filtering Filter terms that have been tagged beforehand. This workflow tags all person in fairy tales from Brothers Grimm based on a diciotnary with contaning all the names. Dictionaryfor exact matchesDictionaryfor non exact matches(contains matches)Grimms fairy talesfilter terms taggedwith PERSON tagfilter terms taggedwith PERSON tagtag entities basedon dictionary withPERSON tagusing exact matchingtag entities basedon dictionary withPERSON tagusing non-exact (contains) matching Table Creator Table Creator Table Reader Tag Filter Tag Filter Dictionary Tagger Dictionary Tagger Bag Of WordsCreator Bag Of WordsCreator


