
Read all sheets from Google Sheet & Excel with loop nodes

Read all sheets from Google Sheet & Excel with loop nodes
Data:National Statistics: Total final energy consumption at regional and local authority level:2005 to 2018(https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/total-final-energy-consumption-at-regional-and-local-authority-level-2005-to-2018)Note:In Excel Reader (XLS) node, make your sure SHEET_NAME in Flow Variables selectcolumn name you have given in the "Read the sheet names". Table Row to VariableLoop Start nodes turned that value under "Read the sheet names" as variables.In Loop End node, Standard setting, make sure you tick all the boxes. This workflow reads all the sheets of an Google Sheet using a loop. This workflow reads all the sheets of an Excel file using a loop. Create connection toGoogle SheetsGoogle SheetRead/WriteReads the sheet names Set flow variable to sheetReads the sheet names keep GWhsheetCreates variablesfrom the rowsCollects readsheetsSet flow variable to sheetCreates variablesfrom the rowsCollects readsheets Google SheetsConnection GoogleAuthentication Google SheetsReader Google SheetsReader Read Excel SheetNames (XLS) Row Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Excel Reader (XLS) Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Data:National Statistics: Total final energy consumption at regional and local authority level:2005 to 2018(https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/total-final-energy-consumption-at-regional-and-local-authority-level-2005-to-2018)Note:In Excel Reader (XLS) node, make your sure SHEET_NAME in Flow Variables selectcolumn name you have given in the "Read the sheet names". Table Row to VariableLoop Start nodes turned that value under "Read the sheet names" as variables.In Loop End node, Standard setting, make sure you tick all the boxes. This workflow reads all the sheets of an Google Sheet using a loop. This workflow reads all the sheets of an Excel file using a loop. Create connection toGoogle SheetsGoogle SheetRead/WriteReads the sheet names Set flow variable to sheetReads the sheet names keep GWhsheetCreates variablesfrom the rowsCollects readsheetsSet flow variable to sheetCreates variablesfrom the rowsCollects readsheets Google SheetsConnection GoogleAuthentication Google SheetsReader Google SheetsReader Read Excel SheetNames (XLS) Row Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Excel Reader (XLS) Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End


