

Chapter7/Exercise1 - Lexicon based Sentiment Analysis on Forum Dataset On the KNIME Forum dataset Thedata/ForumData_2013-2017.table calculate Document Sentiment score using the Lexicon based approach and the MPQA Corpus files available in folder Thedata.Then show Documents in a scatter plot with % of negative words vs. % of positive words and colored by final predicted sentiment. Count number of wordsfor each documentAssign PositiveTagsAssign Negative Tagssum(TF abs)by Documentand sentiment% Negative Wordsvs. % Positive Wordsin Documentcolored by Document SentimentColor by sentimentlabelisolateselected Documentsviewselected DocumentsNegative listfrom MPQA CorpusPositive listfrom MPQA Corpus Text Preprocessing Reading Data GroupBy Dictionary Tagger Dictionary Tagger Calculate Score Aggregate BoW and TF Scatter Plot Color Manager Row Filter Document Viewer CSV Reader CSV Reader Chapter7/Exercise1 - Lexicon based Sentiment Analysis on Forum Dataset On the KNIME Forum dataset Thedata/ForumData_2013-2017.table calculate Document Sentiment score using the Lexicon based approach and the MPQA Corpus files available in folder Thedata.Then show Documents in a scatter plot with % of negative words vs. % of positive words and colored by final predicted sentiment. Count number of wordsfor each documentAssign PositiveTagsAssign Negative Tagssum(TF abs)by Documentand sentiment% Negative Wordsvs. % Positive Wordsin Documentcolored by Document SentimentColor by sentimentlabelisolateselected Documentsviewselected DocumentsNegative listfrom MPQA CorpusPositive listfrom MPQA CorpusText Preprocessing Reading Data GroupBy Dictionary Tagger Dictionary Tagger Calculate Score Aggregate BoW and TF Scatter Plot Color Manager Row Filter Document Viewer CSV Reader CSV Reader


