

Connect to TwitterYou need your API keysSearch for English tweetsmentioning "Arab cup", filterout links - I didn't want articlesConvert todocument data typeRemove stop wordsconvert toall uppercasefor consistencyremove punctuationsRemove super short wordsRemove numbersCreate BOWCreate word cloudisolate tagsfor named entitiesTag namedentitiesView tagged docsconvert termto string data tyepeRemove duplicatetweetsgroup by termCalculate numberof times a word appears in corpusremove thetag labels on termsGroup by termI was wondering why I was seeingJustain Beiber, so I isolated those tweets. Apparently, he was in Doha recently.Twitter APIConnector Twitter Search Strings To Document Stop Word Filter Case Converter Punctuation Erasure N Chars Filter Number Filter Bag Of WordsCreator Tag Cloud Tag Filter StanfordNLPNE Tagger Tagged DocumentViewer Term To String DuplicateRow Filter GroupBy DF Tag Stripper GroupBy Row Filter Connect to TwitterYou need your API keysSearch for English tweetsmentioning "Arab cup", filterout links - I didn't want articlesConvert todocument data typeRemove stop wordsconvert toall uppercasefor consistencyremove punctuationsRemove super short wordsRemove numbersCreate BOWCreate word cloudisolate tagsfor named entitiesTag namedentitiesView tagged docsconvert termto string data tyepeRemove duplicatetweetsgroup by termCalculate numberof times a word appears in corpusremove thetag labels on termsGroup by termI was wondering why I was seeingJustain Beiber, so I isolated those tweets. Apparently, he was in Doha recently.Twitter APIConnector Twitter Search Strings To Document Stop Word Filter Case Converter Punctuation Erasure N Chars Filter Number Filter Bag Of WordsCreator Tag Cloud Tag Filter StanfordNLPNE Tagger Tagged DocumentViewer Term To String DuplicateRow Filter GroupBy DF Tag Stripper GroupBy Row Filter


