
Real Estate Analytics

You are a real estate agent working in a new city, and to perform well your first task involves understanding the houses in the region better. A colleague shares a dataset with you and now it’s time for you to explore it. What has been the average housing price, lot size (in acres), and living space (in sqft) in this city, according to her dataset? How are prices distributed and correlated with housing features? What other insights can you gather from this dataset?

URL: Just KNIME It! https://www.knime.com/just-knime-it

dataremove missingsacres_lotmeansprice andfeaturesfirst = priceother statsprices distributionremove outlier pricesyrbuilt/renovatedzip coderank by medianprice_sqftCSV Reader Missing Value Math Formula GroupBy Rank Correlation Row Filter Statistics View Histogram Numeric Outliers Rule Engine GroupBy Rank Math Formula dataremove missingsacres_lotmeansprice andfeaturesfirst = priceother statsprices distributionremove outlier pricesyrbuilt/renovatedzip coderank by medianprice_sqftCSV Reader Missing Value Math Formula GroupBy Rank Correlation Row Filter Statistics View Histogram Numeric Outliers Rule Engine GroupBy Rank Math Formula


