

You work in the contracts department of a software company and are asked to detect fraudulent (or wrong) contracts based on their contract value. Given the PDF versions of the contracts, you need to extract their contract value (and, optionally, any other fields you find useful) and detect outliers among them. You can either use simpler outlier detection techniques, such as those based on statistics or visualization, or more advanced ones based on machine learning.
Level: Easy to MediumDescription: You work in the contracts department of a software company and are asked to detect fraudulent (or wrong) contracts based ontheir contract value. Given the PDF versions of the contracts, you need to extract their contract value (and, optionally, any other fields youfind useful) and detect outliers among them. You can either use simpler outlier detection techniques, such as those based on statistics orvisualization, or more advanced ones based on machine learning.あなたはソフトウェア会社の契約部門で働いており、契約金額に基づいて不正な(または間違った)契約を検出するよう依頼されています。契約書の PDF バージョンが与えられたら、契約金額(および、オプションとして、有用と思われるその他のフィールド)を抽出し、その中から異常値を検出する必要があります。統計や視覚化に基づくような、より単純な異常値検出技術を使用するか、機械学習に基づくより高度なものを使用することができます。 Node 66IDdebtorcreditorproductpaymentmeanNode 76differenceratiobar chart Tika Parser String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation GroupBy Joiner Math Formula Math Formula Bar Chart Level: Easy to MediumDescription: You work in the contracts department of a software company and are asked to detect fraudulent (or wrong) contracts based ontheir contract value. Given the PDF versions of the contracts, you need to extract their contract value (and, optionally, any other fields youfind useful) and detect outliers among them. You can either use simpler outlier detection techniques, such as those based on statistics orvisualization, or more advanced ones based on machine learning.あなたはソフトウェア会社の契約部門で働いており、契約金額に基づいて不正な(または間違った)契約を検出するよう依頼されています。契約書の PDF バージョンが与えられたら、契約金額(および、オプションとして、有用と思われるその他のフィールド)を抽出し、その中から異常値を検出する必要があります。統計や視覚化に基づくような、より単純な異常値検出技術を使用するか、機械学習に基づくより高度なものを使用することができます。 Node 66IDdebtorcreditorproductpaymentmeanNode 76differenceratiobar chart Tika Parser String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation GroupBy Joiner Math Formula Math Formula Bar Chart


