

Did you know that August 2nd is International Beer Day? To celebrate one of the world’s oldest beverages, you are tasked with retrieving all worldwide brewery data from the OpenBreweryDB REST API, which provides data on the breweries in paginated responses. Build a loop that makes successive requests to each page of the API until all data is retrieved.

Not interested in beer? Feel free to use any API of your choice! Find more public APIs here: https://publicapis.io/

Level: MediumDescription: Did you know that August 2nd is International Beer Day? To celebrate one of the world’s oldest beverages, you are tasked withretrieving all worldwide brewery data from the OpenBreweryDB REST API, which provides data on the breweries in paginated responses.Build a loop that makes successive requests to each page of the API until all data is retrieved.Not interested in beer? Feel free to use any API of your choice! Find more public APIs here: https://publicapis.io/8月2日が国際ビールデーであることをご存知ですか?世界最古の飲み物の一つであるビールを祝うために、あなたは OpenBreweryDB RESTAPI から世界中のビール醸造所のデータを取得することになります。すべてのデータが取得されるまで、API の各ページに連続してリクエストを行うループを構築します。ビールに興味がない?お好きなAPIをご自由にお使いください!その他の公開APIはこちらで検索: https://publicapis.io/ totaltotal_inttotal / 200 +1Node 59Node 60generate URLget JSONNode 63extract each itemexpand GET Request JSON Path Math Formula Counting Loop Start Table Rowto Variable String Manipulation(Variable) GET Request Loop End JSON Path Ungroup Level: MediumDescription: Did you know that August 2nd is International Beer Day? To celebrate one of the world’s oldest beverages, you are tasked withretrieving all worldwide brewery data from the OpenBreweryDB REST API, which provides data on the breweries in paginated responses.Build a loop that makes successive requests to each page of the API until all data is retrieved.Not interested in beer? Feel free to use any API of your choice! Find more public APIs here: https://publicapis.io/8月2日が国際ビールデーであることをご存知ですか?世界最古の飲み物の一つであるビールを祝うために、あなたは OpenBreweryDB RESTAPI から世界中のビール醸造所のデータを取得することになります。すべてのデータが取得されるまで、API の各ページに連続してリクエストを行うループを構築します。ビールに興味がない?お好きなAPIをご自由にお使いください!その他の公開APIはこちらで検索: https://publicapis.io/ totaltotal_inttotal / 200 +1Node 59Node 60generate URLget JSONNode 63extract each itemexpand GET Request JSON Path Math Formula Counting Loop Start Table Rowto Variable String Manipulation(Variable) GET Request Loop End JSON Path Ungroup


