
Challenge 8-WordleScoresonAverage

Challenge 8: World Scores on Average Level: MediumDescription: The challenge requires you to recreate the Wordle bar chart for three players. If you have never played Wordle, check this brief introduction to thegame. In this challenge, you are expected to do the following:1. For the bar chart, each possible number of guesses (1 through 6) must be represented, as well as the number of victories by each player. Check this examplewith just a single player's data.2. Transform the number of guesses [1, 6] into a score [1,10], but remember that a higher number of guesses should result in a lower score. A missing guessmeans that the player did not manage to guess the word and therefore should receive a 0 score.3. Next, calculate the average of the three players. Who has the best average?4. Now consider the difficulty of the words. Assign a weight W to the words in the list of the 306 most difficult words in the English language (file “difficultwords.txt”), and recalculate the average of the three players for W=2 and for W=0. Has the player with the best score changed?Author: Rosaria SilipoDatasets: https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Datasets/latest/Challenge%208%20-%20Datasets~cluFnhCb28y5_TeG/ Following EDA steps: Impuation step is followed by normalisationNote: Error because the weigth ciolumn has unaddressed missing values Convert the word to capital letters Note: If the player guesses a difficult word Weight (W) = 2 Import data Notice column headers start from row 2Replace mising guess with zeroRead difficult words text files Change words to match cap of original data Unpivot player and values Rename player and guesses Normalised to derived weighted values Average GuessesAverage Weighted GuessesJoin players for average guesses and weighted Find difference Rename column Excel Reader Missing Value File Reader String Manipulation Visualizations Unpivoting Column Rename Data Prep GroupBy GroupBy Joiner Column Expressions Column Rename Challenge 8: World Scores on Average Level: MediumDescription: The challenge requires you to recreate the Wordle bar chart for three players. If you have never played Wordle, check this brief introduction to thegame. In this challenge, you are expected to do the following:1. For the bar chart, each possible number of guesses (1 through 6) must be represented, as well as the number of victories by each player. Check this examplewith just a single player's data.2. Transform the number of guesses [1, 6] into a score [1,10], but remember that a higher number of guesses should result in a lower score. A missing guessmeans that the player did not manage to guess the word and therefore should receive a 0 score.3. Next, calculate the average of the three players. Who has the best average?4. Now consider the difficulty of the words. Assign a weight W to the words in the list of the 306 most difficult words in the English language (file “difficultwords.txt”), and recalculate the average of the three players for W=2 and for W=0. Has the player with the best score changed?Author: Rosaria SilipoDatasets: https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Datasets/latest/Challenge%208%20-%20Datasets~cluFnhCb28y5_TeG/ Following EDA steps: Impuation step is followed by normalisationNote: Error because the weigth ciolumn has unaddressed missing values Convert the word to capital letters Note: If the player guesses a difficult word Weight (W) = 2 Import data Notice column headers start from row 2Replace mising guess with zeroRead difficult words text files Change words to match cap of original data Unpivot player and values Rename player and guesses Normalised to derived weighted values Average GuessesAverage Weighted GuessesJoin players for average guesses and weighted Find difference Rename column Excel Reader Missing Value File Reader String Manipulation Visualizations Unpivoting Column Rename Data Prep GroupBy GroupBy Joiner Column Expressions Column Rename


