
06 Aggregations

06 Aggregations
Exercise: GroupBy1) Read the adult.csv file by executing the CSV Reader node2) Calculate the total number of rows and average age by gender3) Calculate the modes of all string columns separately for each native country4) Calculate - the number of missing values in the occupation column- the number of non-missing rows in the occupation column- the number of rows in the occupation column- the number of rows in the marital-status column Notice that the last two aggregations should provide the same numbers! Exercise: Pivoting1) Read the adult_binned.csv file by executing the CSV Reader node2) Calculate the number of people in groups according to their work class and age bin- What is the most common combination of age bin and work class?- How many people belong to this group?3) Calculate the mode of education level in groups according to their work class and age bin- What is the most widespread education level in the private workclass independently of theage bin? Read adult.csvRead adult_binned.csvNode 32Node 33Node 34Node 35Node 36 CSV Reader CSV Reader GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy Pivoting Pivoting Exercise: GroupBy1) Read the adult.csv file by executing the CSV Reader node2) Calculate the total number of rows and average age by gender3) Calculate the modes of all string columns separately for each native country4) Calculate - the number of missing values in the occupation column- the number of non-missing rows in the occupation column- the number of rows in the occupation column- the number of rows in the marital-status column Notice that the last two aggregations should provide the same numbers! Exercise: Pivoting1) Read the adult_binned.csv file by executing the CSV Reader node2) Calculate the number of people in groups according to their work class and age bin- What is the most common combination of age bin and work class?- How many people belong to this group?3) Calculate the mode of education level in groups according to their work class and age bin- What is the most widespread education level in the private workclass independently of theage bin? Read adult.csvRead adult_binned.csvNode 32Node 33Node 34Node 35Node 36 CSV Reader CSV Reader GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy Pivoting Pivoting


