

Data Input & Preprocessing create movie recommendation create movie recommendation Data Input & Preprocessingsimple approach that uses directly the movie titles for association rule learning instead ofmovieIDs and joining titles later. filter ratings >= 4groupby userIdand aggregate list all movie idssort by liftungroup itemsNode 12Node 13Node 20Node 21sort by liftfilter ratings >= 4groupby userIdand aggregate list all movie idsungroup itemsratingsmoviesratingsmoviesNode 37 Row Filter GroupBy AssociationRule Learner Sorter Ungroup Column Rename Column Resorter Joiner (Labs) Joiner (Labs) Sorter Row Filter GroupBy Ungroup AssociationRule Learner CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner (Labs) Data Input & Preprocessing create movie recommendation create movie recommendation Data Input & Preprocessingsimple approach that uses directly the movie titles for association rule learning instead ofmovieIDs and joining titles later. filter ratings >= 4groupby userIdand aggregate list all movie idssort by liftungroup itemsNode 12Node 13Node 20Node 21sort by liftfilter ratings >= 4groupby userIdand aggregate list all movie idsungroup itemsratingsmoviesratingsmoviesNode 37 Row Filter GroupBy AssociationRule Learner Sorter Ungroup Column Rename Column Resorter Joiner (Labs) Joiner (Labs) Sorter Row Filter GroupBy Ungroup AssociationRule Learner CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner (Labs)


