

After analyzing tweets on NFTs in general, we wanted to analyze what type of users are (re)tweeting depending on a type of NFT project. We chose the Bored Apes and NBA Top Shot projects because one is a "classic" project and the other is affiliated to a brand: NBA. We wanted to see the impact of these projects on users, for each community created.

After making a new query for each project, we gathered information about users (name, description,etc).We did some text processing on those users' descriptions in order to see what kind of hashtags are intheir bios.Moreover, we created the network between those users, displaying their profile pictures andusernames.The network is based on the top 40 people who are the most retweeted. This is possiblebecause we know who is following who, therefore we can make the network between users. querywriting our datasetquery : bored apes(hashtag mining)Influencial Users(hashtag mining)query : nba top shotInfluencial UsersTwitter APIConnector Twitter Search Table Writer Table Reader Text Processing Network Viewer(local) Analyze Network Text Processing Table Reader Analyze Network Twitter APIConnector Network Viewer(local) After making a new query for each project, we gathered information about users (name, description,etc).We did some text processing on those users' descriptions in order to see what kind of hashtags are intheir bios.Moreover, we created the network between those users, displaying their profile pictures andusernames.The network is based on the top 40 people who are the most retweeted. This is possiblebecause we know who is following who, therefore we can make the network between users. querywriting our datasetquery : bored apes(hashtag mining)Influencial Users(hashtag mining)query : nba top shotInfluencial UsersTwitter APIConnector Twitter Search Table Writer Table Reader Text Processing Network Viewer(local) Analyze Network Text Processing Table Reader Analyze Network Twitter APIConnector Network Viewer(local)


