

Children in Childcare

Level: Easy

Description: You are a social scientist researching childcare in the European Union. The data you are currently examining contains the percentage of children under 3 years old that are cared by formal arrangements other than by the family, in various European countries. Is the overall trend increasing or decreasing? In what country is childcare the most common? And in what country it is the least common? Check for more information on the data here.

Author: Emilio Silvestri

Dataset: Childcare Data in the KNIME Community Hub

URL: This challenge thread https://forum.knime.com/t/solutions-to-just-knime-it-challenge-15-season-3/82225/2?pk_vid=0e0b965ec7df53791724337880585795
URL: JKISeason3-15 https://www.knime.com/just-knime-it?pk_vid=0e0b965ec7df53791724342099585795
URL: Dataset https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Season%203%20-%20Datasets/Challenge%2015%20-%20Datasets~_YDK7dy-gJVeayxr/?pk_vid=0e0b965ec7df53791724342135585795

Node 1Node 2Node 4TIME_PERIODExcludeEuro area, Euro countiesCalculate Z-scoreNode 10Join the original valueExcludeunnecessary columnsNode 13Node 15Node 29Calculate overall meanper yearViewNode 35Generate imageTable Reader CSV Reader String Replacer(Dictionary) Group Loop Start Metanode Normalizer Loop End Joiner Column Filter Number to String Column Renamer Table Manipulator GroupBy Component Column Renamer Metanode Node 1Node 2Node 4TIME_PERIODExcludeEuro area, Euro countiesCalculate Z-scoreNode 10Join the original valueExcludeunnecessary columnsNode 13Node 15Node 29Calculate overall meanper yearViewNode 35Generate imageTable Reader CSV Reader String Replacer(Dictionary) Group Loop Start Metanode Normalizer Loop End Joiner Column Filter Number to String Column Renamer Table Manipulator GroupBy Component Column Renamer Metanode


