Replace Table Column Names

Replaces the column headers on the upper data port with the column names from the lower data port in sequential order.

The lower data port table must have at least as many columns as the upper data table, and the replacement will occur in sequential order of the columns unless the option to handle missing columns is selected in which case the shortfall will be made up using existing column names fro the upper table from the position where the shortfall occurs.

@takbb 31 October 2022
v2 03 October 2023 - option to handle missing columns added.


Handle missing columns
Select this to handle situation where the upper table has too few columns to match the lower table. In that scenario, the additional column names on the lower table will be used to pad the table, and the top rows will contain missing values. If not selected, the node will fail if this occurs.%%00010%%00010In all circumstances, if the lower table is deficient in columns, the additional right-most columns will be allocated missing values.%%00010%%00010

Input Ports

Table that is to have the column names replaced
Table containing the required column names.

Output Ports

Data Table with replaced column names


