
Bypass Flow

BypassFlow component.

Allows user to easily configure workflow route to take during invocation. The upper port is used when the config box is ticked/checked. The lower port is used if it isn't.

This is actually just an IF node with modified configuration, so at the other end of the branch, there should be an End If or Case End node to bring the flows back together. A plain IF Switch node could do the job equally, but the intention here is to make it clearer that the intent is to temporarily Bypass the particular flow/branch.

30 April 2021 @takBB Brian Bates


Bypass Flow (Unticked/Not selected - use upper port. Ticked/Selected - use lower port)
If unchecked, the top output data port will be enabled. This is the standard flow. %%00010%%00010If checked, the bottom output data port will be enabled. This is the alternative/bypass flow

Input Ports

Input data flow

Output Ports

The standard flow to use if the node has not been configured to "bypass". Attach your standard node/metanode to this port
The data flow route to use when the node has been configured to bypass. Attach your alternate route to this port


