

Solving Cold Start with user input for 5 random places Readdata fromlocal fileCopy tableto SparkLocal Spark ContextSplitdata 80 - 20Fit ALSSplit userID to be numericPredicton new dataScore modelRename User IdRatings for U9999Unrated places for U9999Node 14Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 18Node 20Node 21Node 22Node 23Node 25Node 27Node 28Node 30 CSV Reader Table to Spark Create Local BigData Environment Spark Partitioning Spark CollaborativeFiltering Learner (MLlib) Cell Splitter Spark Predictor(MLlib) Spark NumericScorer Column Renamer CSV Reader CSV Reader Table to Spark Table to Spark Spark Concatenate Spark CollaborativeFiltering Learner (MLlib) Spark Predictor(MLlib) Column Filter Column Renamer Column Renamer Spark to Table Sorter Top k Row Filter Table Editor(JavaScript) Table View(JavaScript) Solving Cold Start with user input for 5 random places Readdata fromlocal fileCopy tableto SparkLocal Spark ContextSplitdata 80 - 20Fit ALSSplit userID to be numericPredicton new dataScore modelRename User IdRatings for U9999Unrated places for U9999Node 14Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 18Node 20Node 21Node 22Node 23Node 25Node 27Node 28Node 30CSV Reader Table to Spark Create Local BigData Environment Spark Partitioning Spark CollaborativeFiltering Learner (MLlib) Cell Splitter Spark Predictor(MLlib) Spark NumericScorer Column Renamer CSV Reader CSV Reader Table to Spark Table to Spark Spark Concatenate Spark CollaborativeFiltering Learner (MLlib) Spark Predictor(MLlib) Column Filter Column Renamer Column Renamer Spark to Table Sorter Top k Row Filter Table Editor(JavaScript) Table View(JavaScript)


