

Challenge 33: Medical Procedure PricesLevel: HardDescription: In America the prices of medical procedures can vary greatly, so savvy Americans tend to shop around for a good deal. In this challenge you will take the role of a data journalist trying toinvestigate price differences among medical procedures. More specifically, you want to find the top 5 procedures that show the largest variety in terms of pricing from hospital to hospital (in statistics, youwould call this high standard deviation). The data you have at hand for this investigation is not uniform and requires inspection in order to be properly read and processed. For simplicity, compare allaverage charges for the 25 most common outpatient procedures performed by hospitals from the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Sutter Hospitals only. For Kaiser Foundation, the relevant data is in Excelfiles with "...Common25..." in their names; for Sutter, the relevant Excel files contain "...CDM_All..." in their names. Beware of hidden sheets.Author: Victor PalaciosData: Link for Medical Procedures Dataset UnzipFilter Kaiserand Common25Filter Sutterand CDMParseLocationRun eachFileList allSheetsChange Locationto Path typeRun eachSheetRead FileAppendHospital NameOSHPD Facility NoEffective DateProcedure TypeFill in Blankusing previousvaluesFilterCPT Code No.RenameA = ProcedureB = CPT CodeC = Average ChargesAverage Chargesto Number TypeCollate AllSheetsCollate AllFilesRemove Top 50 ListFilter only AB 1045StandardDeviation,Min, Max,Unique ConcatPick Top 5ProceduresArrange Unzip Files(legacy) Rule-basedRow Filter URL to File Path Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Read ExcelSheet Names String to Path Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Excel Reader Column Expressions Missing Value Row Filter Column Rename String To Number Loop End Loop End Rule-basedRow Filter GroupBy Top k Selector Column Resorter Challenge 33: Medical Procedure PricesLevel: HardDescription: In America the prices of medical procedures can vary greatly, so savvy Americans tend to shop around for a good deal. In this challenge you will take the role of a data journalist trying toinvestigate price differences among medical procedures. More specifically, you want to find the top 5 procedures that show the largest variety in terms of pricing from hospital to hospital (in statistics, youwould call this high standard deviation). The data you have at hand for this investigation is not uniform and requires inspection in order to be properly read and processed. For simplicity, compare allaverage charges for the 25 most common outpatient procedures performed by hospitals from the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Sutter Hospitals only. For Kaiser Foundation, the relevant data is in Excelfiles with "...Common25..." in their names; for Sutter, the relevant Excel files contain "...CDM_All..." in their names. Beware of hidden sheets.Author: Victor PalaciosData: Link for Medical Procedures Dataset UnzipFilter Kaiserand Common25Filter Sutterand CDMParseLocationRun eachFileList allSheetsChange Locationto Path typeRun eachSheetRead FileAppendHospital NameOSHPD Facility NoEffective DateProcedure TypeFill in Blankusing previousvaluesFilterCPT Code No.RenameA = ProcedureB = CPT CodeC = Average ChargesAverage Chargesto Number TypeCollate AllSheetsCollate AllFilesRemove Top 50 ListFilter only AB 1045StandardDeviation,Min, Max,Unique ConcatPick Top 5ProceduresArrangeUnzip Files(legacy) Rule-basedRow Filter URL to File Path Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Read ExcelSheet Names String to Path Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Excel Reader Column Expressions Missing Value Row Filter Column Rename String To Number Loop End Loop End Rule-basedRow Filter GroupBy Top k Selector Column Resorter


