
Data Blending

Data Blending and ETL
Data Blending and ETLThis workflow illustrates how to blend different data sources whithin KNIME Analytics Platform. A Java Script node is used to visualize average age vs. product in the resulting blended table.Task Blend together many different data sources through an effective ETL (Extract, Transform and Loading).Learning Hub http://www.knime.org/learning-hub contains useful links, e.g. tutorials, videos, books, slides, etc ... for each kind of data analytics topic. Data Reading 6 data sources: - CSV file - Webdata Old System.csv (Old WebSystem) - SQLite Database - WebActivity.sqlite (New WebSystem) - .table file - Sentiment Analysis.table - CSV file - Sentiment Rating.csv - CSV file - Demographics.csv - Excel file - Prooduct Data2.xlsThe files are located in TheData/Misc/ Data Blending & ETL - Concatenate web activity data from old and new systems - Replace sentiment texts with numeric scores - Set all product names to lowercase - Join all data together by the customerKey column - Group by products, and aggregate by age (mean) Visualize Create a bar chart showing the average age of customers foreach product All joins are inner joinson column CustomerKey Try this:KNIME's InteractiveVisualizations:1) Execute the workflow up tothe GroupBy node2) Open the configurationwindow for the JavaScript BarChart node 3) Try to personalize thevisualization of the plot, usingthe General Plot options andthe Control option. Replace sentiment labels with sentiment ratingsConcatenate the two data tablesRename First(WebActivity) as WebActivityProducts in lower caseCalculate average customer agebyproductvisualizeaverage age vs. productReading WebActivity.sqliteFirst Web Activityfrom table WebActivityExclude Sentiment Ratingand Web ActivityReadingProductData2.xlsReadingDemographics.csvReadingSentimentRating.csvReading WebdataOldSystem.csvjoinweb activity &sentiment scoresAdd Demographics dataAdd product dataReading SentimentAnalysis.tableNode 275 Cell Replacer Concatenate Column Rename String Manipulation GroupBy Bar Chart SQLite Connector DB Query Reader Column Filter Excel Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner Joiner Joiner Table Reader Excel Reader Data Blending and ETLThis workflow illustrates how to blend different data sources whithin KNIME Analytics Platform. A Java Script node is used to visualize average age vs. product in the resulting blended table.Task Blend together many different data sources through an effective ETL (Extract, Transform and Loading).Learning Hub http://www.knime.org/learning-hub contains useful links, e.g. tutorials, videos, books, slides, etc ... for each kind of data analytics topic. Data Reading 6 data sources: - CSV file - Webdata Old System.csv (Old WebSystem) - SQLite Database - WebActivity.sqlite (New WebSystem) - .table file - Sentiment Analysis.table - CSV file - Sentiment Rating.csv - CSV file - Demographics.csv - Excel file - Prooduct Data2.xlsThe files are located in TheData/Misc/ Data Blending & ETL - Concatenate web activity data from old and new systems - Replace sentiment texts with numeric scores - Set all product names to lowercase - Join all data together by the customerKey column - Group by products, and aggregate by age (mean) Visualize Create a bar chart showing the average age of customers foreach product All joins are inner joinson column CustomerKey Try this:KNIME's InteractiveVisualizations:1) Execute the workflow up tothe GroupBy node2) Open the configurationwindow for the JavaScript BarChart node 3) Try to personalize thevisualization of the plot, usingthe General Plot options andthe Control option. Replace sentiment labels with sentiment ratingsConcatenate the two data tablesRename First(WebActivity) as WebActivityProducts in lower caseCalculate average customer agebyproductvisualizeaverage age vs. productReading WebActivity.sqliteFirst Web Activityfrom table WebActivityExclude Sentiment Ratingand Web ActivityReadingProductData2.xlsReadingDemographics.csvReadingSentimentRating.csvReading WebdataOldSystem.csvjoinweb activity &sentiment scoresAdd Demographics dataAdd product dataReading SentimentAnalysis.tableNode 275 Cell Replacer Concatenate Column Rename String Manipulation GroupBy Bar Chart SQLite Connector DB Query Reader Column Filter Excel Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner Joiner Joiner Table Reader Excel Reader


