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Cost of Poor quality related costs <2023 Add Project Center CoPQ handling 2023-> Project details from SAP profitability report - project responsible collection Replace project responsible with data fromSAP HANA profitability report KPI Creation 2023 Equipment Netsales Add Project Center Fix Division where possible Calculate accumulated cost values For KPI results the "Customer compensation" cost type is only included IF it is under ItP/Warranty Put "raw data" in sql for detailed display in Power BI Add BusinessModel and Master customer from Planview Node 33Node 34Node 35col select & orderadded formulaNode 39Node 40Cil select & orderAdded formulaUnionNode 44data cleanNode 46data cleanNode 48Added formulaNode 51Node 52Node 54Node 55Node 56Node 57Col select & orderNode 59Node 66Node 67Col select & orderData cleanAdded formulasAdded formulaNode 76Node 77Node 78Node 79Node 80Node 81Node 86Node 87Node 88Node 89Add project respfrom Prof reportMaster customerNot assignedinstead of nullNode 98Node 99Node 100Division filterUnique keyNode 107Added expressionUnioninput data-Market Hierarchy TNC_incl PC.xlsxIncl Project Centreunique keyadded expressionadded expressionNode 118Node 119Default PCadded columnsKeep costs relevant for KPIChange PC forWinstedsum costs per PC, month and cost TypeNode 144Summarize per cost type per PCSummarize per cost typeGLOBALunionNode 148running totalcol selectadded expressiongrouping colNode 154added expressionadded expressionuniondata refresh-today()Node 159Node 160Node 161Node 162Node 166Node 167Node 168col select &renameFilteradded yearadded month/yearcol select renamefilterNode 175select coladded expressionunique keyreplaceNode 186unionadded expressionNode 189Node 190Node 191Node 192Node 193Node 194Node 195Node 196Node 197Node 198Node 199Node 200Round to 0 decimalsChange fromdouble to intNode 203Node 204Node 205Node 206Node 207Node 208Node 209Node 210Node 211Cil select & orderNode 213Node 214Node 215Node 216Node 217Node 218Node 219Node 220Node 221Node 222 Microsoft SQLServer Connector DB Table Selector DB Reader Table Manipulator Column Expressions DB Table Selector DB Reader Table Manipulator Column Expressions Concatenate Table Manipulator Missing Value Number To String String Manipulation String To Number Column Expressions DB Writer Microsoft SQLServer Connector DB Connector DB Query Reader DB Connector DB Query Reader Table Manipulator Row Filter (Labs) Column Expressions Microsoft SQLServer Connector Table Manipulator Missing Value Column Expressions Column Expressions Table Manipulator Sorter GroupBy Concatenate Table Manipulator Sorter DB Connector DB Query Reader Table Manipulator DuplicateRow Filter Joiner Column Expressions Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Concatenate Rule-basedRow Splitter DuplicateRow Filter Joiner Column Expressions Concatenate Excel Reader DuplicateRow Filter Column Expressions Column Expressions Joiner Concatenate Column Expressions Column Expressions Row Splitter Column Expressions GroupBy Sorter GroupBy GroupBy Concatenate Sorter Moving Aggregator Table Manipulator Column Expressions GroupBy GroupBy Column Expressions Column Expressions Concatenate Column Expressions Microsoft SQLServer Connector DB Writer Microsoft SQLServer Connector DB Writer Table Manipulator DB Connector DB Query Reader Table Manipulator Rule-basedRow Filter Column Expressions Column Expressions Table Manipulator Row Filter Sorter Table Manipulator Column Expressions DuplicateRow Filter String Manipulation Joiner Concatenate Column Expressions Group Loop Start Loop End Group Loop Start Column Expressions Loop End Column Expressions Microsoft SQLServer Connector DB Writer Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Excel Reader Table Manipulator Round Double Double To Integer Missing Value Round Double Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Sorter DB Table Selector DB Reader Table Manipulator Microsoft SQLServer Connector Joiner DuplicateRow Filter Table Manipulator Column Expressions Row Splitter Table Manipulator Concatenate Table Manipulator String to Date&Time Cost of Poor quality related costs <2023 Add Project Center CoPQ handling 2023-> Project details from SAP profitability report - project responsible collection Replace project responsible with data fromSAP HANA profitability report KPI Creation 2023 Equipment Netsales Add Project Center Fix Division where possible Calculate accumulated cost values For KPI results the "Customer compensation" cost type is only included IF it is under ItP/Warranty Put "raw data" in sql for detailed display in Power BI Add BusinessModel and Master customer from Planview Node 33Node 34Node 35col select & orderadded formulaNode 39Node 40Cil select & orderAdded formulaUnionNode 44data cleanNode 46data cleanNode 48Added formulaNode 51Node 52Node 54Node 55Node 56Node 57Col select & orderNode 59Node 66Node 67Col select & orderData cleanAdded formulasAdded formulaNode 76Node 77Node 78Node 79Node 80Node 81Node 86Node 87Node 88Node 89Add project respfrom Prof reportMaster customerNot assignedinstead of nullNode 98Node 99Node 100Division filterUnique keyNode 107Added expressionUnioninput data-Market Hierarchy TNC_incl PC.xlsxIncl Project Centreunique keyadded expressionadded expressionNode 118Node 119Default PCadded columnsKeep costs relevant for KPIChange PC forWinstedsum costs per PC, month and cost TypeNode 144Summarize per cost type per PCSummarize per cost typeGLOBALunionNode 148running totalcol selectadded expressiongrouping colNode 154added expressionadded expressionuniondata refresh-today()Node 159Node 160Node 161Node 162Node 166Node 167Node 168col select &renameFilteradded yearadded month/yearcol select renamefilterNode 175select coladded expressionunique keyreplaceNode 186unionadded expressionNode 189Node 190Node 191Node 192Node 193Node 194Node 195Node 196Node 197Node 198Node 199Node 200Round to 0 decimalsChange fromdouble to intNode 203Node 204Node 205Node 206Node 207Node 208Node 209Node 210Node 211Cil select & orderNode 213Node 214Node 215Node 216Node 217Node 218Node 219Node 220Node 221Node 222 Microsoft SQLServer Connector DB Table Selector DB Reader Table Manipulator Column Expressions DB Table Selector DB Reader Table Manipulator Column Expressions Concatenate Table Manipulator Missing Value Number To String String Manipulation String To Number Column Expressions DB Writer Microsoft SQLServer Connector DB Connector DB Query Reader DB Connector DB Query Reader Table Manipulator Row Filter (Labs) Column Expressions Microsoft SQLServer Connector Table Manipulator Missing Value Column Expressions Column Expressions Table Manipulator Sorter GroupBy Concatenate Table Manipulator Sorter DB Connector DB Query Reader Table Manipulator DuplicateRow Filter Joiner Column Expressions Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Concatenate Rule-basedRow Splitter DuplicateRow Filter Joiner Column Expressions Concatenate Excel Reader DuplicateRow Filter Column Expressions Column Expressions Joiner Concatenate Column Expressions Column Expressions Row Splitter Column Expressions GroupBy Sorter GroupBy GroupBy Concatenate Sorter Moving Aggregator Table Manipulator Column Expressions GroupBy GroupBy Column Expressions Column Expressions Concatenate Column Expressions Microsoft SQLServer Connector DB Writer Microsoft SQLServer Connector DB Writer Table Manipulator DB Connector DB Query Reader Table Manipulator Rule-basedRow Filter Column Expressions Column Expressions Table Manipulator Row Filter Sorter Table Manipulator Column Expressions DuplicateRow Filter String Manipulation Joiner Concatenate Column Expressions Group Loop Start Loop End Group Loop Start Column Expressions Loop End Column Expressions Microsoft SQLServer Connector DB Writer Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Excel Reader Table Manipulator Round Double Double To Integer Missing Value Round Double Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Sorter DB Table Selector DB Reader Table Manipulator Microsoft SQLServer Connector Joiner DuplicateRow Filter Table Manipulator Column Expressions Row Splitter Table Manipulator Concatenate Table Manipulator String to Date&Time


