
Generating Invoice Reports

Microsoft Sharepoint meets Google Cloud Storage

This workflow accesses data on Google Cloud Storage and on Microsoft Sharepoint, blends the data, and formats the data into a table that is exported into a PDF document. Once the connection to the Google Cloud Storage and the Microsoft Sharepoint has been created (requires credentials), the data files stored in these remote locations can be accessed with the Reader and Writer nodes with an optional File System Connection input port.

The pdf reports are exported into the data folder in the same workflow group.

Access orders data on Microsoft Sharepoint Access orders data on Google Cloud Storage Create table elements: order id, list of products, their costs, customer information, company contact Export pdf files into the selected folder,named by the order IDBy default the files are written into theknime.workflow/../data folder This workflow generates invoice reports as pdfs. The table formatted inKNIME is shown as image on the document. In addition, the title and footerof the pdf document can be customized. Project folderAccess orders dataBy Order IDProducts toseparate rowsTop: Order IDBottom: customer,dateJoin by regionBottom:RegionAuthor1 row Select only the first 20 ordersfor demo purposesService accountand P12 keySelect project and working directoryAccess peopleNode 570 SharePoint OnlineConnector (Labs) CSV Reader (Labs) GroupBy Ungroup Column Splitter Column Splitter Concatenate Insert ColumnHeader Concatenate Table to PDF Report title andpdf location Productsinformation Total sales Customer nameand order date Joiner Column Splitter Table Rowto Variable Chunk Loop Start Variable Loop End Row Filter Google Authentication(API Key) Google Cloud StorageConnector (Labs) CSV Reader (Labs) MicrosoftAuthentication (Labs) Access orders data on Microsoft Sharepoint Access orders data on Google Cloud Storage Create table elements: order id, list of products, their costs, customer information, company contact Export pdf files into the selected folder,named by the order IDBy default the files are written into theknime.workflow/../data folder This workflow generates invoice reports as pdfs. The table formatted inKNIME is shown as image on the document. In addition, the title and footerof the pdf document can be customized. Project folderAccess orders dataBy Order IDProducts toseparate rowsTop: Order IDBottom: customer,dateJoin by regionBottom:RegionAuthor1 row Select only the first 20 ordersfor demo purposesService accountand P12 keySelect project and working directoryAccess peopleNode 570SharePoint OnlineConnector (Labs) CSV Reader (Labs) GroupBy Ungroup Column Splitter Column Splitter Concatenate Insert ColumnHeader Concatenate Table to PDF Report title andpdf location Productsinformation Total sales Customer nameand order date Joiner Column Splitter Table Rowto Variable Chunk Loop Start Variable Loop End Row Filter Google Authentication(API Key) Google Cloud StorageConnector (Labs) CSV Reader (Labs) MicrosoftAuthentication (Labs)


