
Taxa visualizer

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05 Data Visualization

Exercise for data visualization.

Explore statistics and relationships in data with the Data Explorer, Scatter Plot, and Table View nodes. Build an interactive view with a scatter plot and an interactive table.

URL: Data Explorer https://youtu.be/iHr9V94Kxk8
URL: KNIME JavaScript Views (Labs) https://kni.me/e/nqkt3NMOCa3HuHUq
URL: The Scatter Plot Node https://youtu.be/Yn0OMjhlDMk
URL: 3 Steps to Build an Interactive Dashboard https://youtu.be/4a3Wm3WTlgo

Get taxonomy infromation form species names Obtain list of all species of Bacillus genus, then obtain all bioprocesses assosiated to those species Obtain most common biosystems from species which have keratinase activity Obtain list of biosystems which are common in species which don't have keratinase activity Obtain which are biosystems commonbetween species with keratinase activityand without keratinase activity. Alsobiosystems which are less commonbetween them. Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 8Node 9Node 13Taxonomic lineagegeneration from taxidNode 17Node 18Node 19Node 20Node 21Node 23Get taxid form specie nameNode 30Node 31Node 32Node 37Node 38Node 39Node 40Node 41Node 43Node 44Node 46Node 47Node 48Node 50Node 51Node 52 Excel Reader Table View(JavaScript) Row Filter Column Filter Python Script(legacy) Counting Loop Start(deprecated) Loop End(deprecated) Row Filter Python Script(legacy) Column Aggregator Python Script(legacy) Row Filter DuplicateRow Filter Python Script(legacy) Column Aggregator Phylum Python Script(legacy) GroupBy Row Filter String To Number Column Filter Column Aggregator Row Filter Python Script(legacy) Column Aggregator DuplicateRow Filter Python Script(legacy) Row Filter Column Aggregator Python Script(legacy) Row Filter Python Script(legacy) Row Filter Get taxonomy infromation form species names Obtain list of all species of Bacillus genus, then obtain all bioprocesses assosiated to those species Obtain most common biosystems from species which have keratinase activity Obtain list of biosystems which are common in species which don't have keratinase activity Obtain which are biosystems commonbetween species with keratinase activityand without keratinase activity. Alsobiosystems which are less commonbetween them. Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 8Node 9Node 13Taxonomic lineagegeneration from taxidNode 17Node 18Node 19Node 20Node 21Node 23Get taxid form specie nameNode 30Node 31Node 32Node 37Node 38Node 39Node 40Node 41Node 43Node 44Node 46Node 47Node 48Node 50Node 51Node 52 Excel Reader Table View(JavaScript) Row Filter Column Filter Python Script(legacy) Counting Loop Start(deprecated) Loop End(deprecated) Row Filter Python Script(legacy) Column Aggregator Python Script(legacy) Row Filter DuplicateRow Filter Python Script(legacy) Column Aggregator Phylum Python Script(legacy) GroupBy Row Filter String To Number Column Filter Column Aggregator Row Filter Python Script(legacy) Column Aggregator DuplicateRow Filter Python Script(legacy) Row Filter Column Aggregator Python Script(legacy) Row Filter Python Script(legacy) Row Filter


