
2. Automated IF Switch

Automated IF Switch

Same workflow as the one named "Manual IF Switch" but IF Switch is controlled through a global flow variable named "PortChoice".

Workflow: Automated IF Switch Same workflow as the one named "Manual IF Switch" but IF Switch is controlled through a global flow variable named"PortChoice". Stats asmean(engine size)max(horse power)range(curb weight)quantiles onHighway_mpgquantiles oncity_mpgGlobal flow variable PortChoiceactivates/disactivatesone of the output ports and the connected branchescollect data fromall active brancheshighway_mpg[Binned] to Binned.MPGcity_mpg[Binned] to Binned.MPGcars-85.csv GroupBy Auto-Binner Auto-Binner IF Switch End IF Column Rename Column Rename CSV Reader Workflow: Automated IF Switch Same workflow as the one named "Manual IF Switch" but IF Switch is controlled through a global flow variable named"PortChoice". Stats asmean(engine size)max(horse power)range(curb weight)quantiles onHighway_mpgquantiles oncity_mpgGlobal flow variable PortChoiceactivates/disactivatesone of the output ports and the connected branchescollect data fromall active brancheshighway_mpg[Binned] to Binned.MPGcity_mpg[Binned] to Binned.MPGcars-85.csvGroupBy Auto-Binner Auto-Binner IF Switch End IF Column Rename Column Rename CSV Reader


