
1. Manual IF Switch

Manual IF Switch

In this workflow through the IF Switch node you can manually disactivate one of the two branches (or none).
The End IF node concatenates together the data from all active branches.

Workflow: Manual IF Switch In this workflow through the IF Switch node you can manually disactivate one of the two branches (or none). The End IF node concatenates together the data from all active branches. You can manuallyactivate/disactivateone of the output ports and the connected branchescollect data fromall active branchescity_mpg[Binned] to Binned.MPGhighway_mpg[Binned] to Binned.MPGStats asmean(engine size)max(horse power)range(curb weight)quantiles onHighway_mpgquantiles oncity_mpgcars-85.csv IF Switch End IF Column Rename Column Rename GroupBy Auto-Binner Auto-Binner CSV Reader Workflow: Manual IF Switch In this workflow through the IF Switch node you can manually disactivate one of the two branches (or none). The End IF node concatenates together the data from all active branches. You can manuallyactivate/disactivateone of the output ports and the connected branchescollect data fromall active branchescity_mpg[Binned] to Binned.MPGhighway_mpg[Binned] to Binned.MPGStats asmean(engine size)max(horse power)range(curb weight)quantiles onHighway_mpgquantiles oncity_mpgcars-85.csvIF Switch End IF Column Rename Column Rename GroupBy Auto-Binner Auto-Binner CSV Reader


