
2. DateTime_​Manipulation_​2

Date Time Manipulation 2

In this workflow we use some more Date&Time manipulation nodes and plot the results:

- Extracting data rows falling in a time window (Date&Time-based Row Filter)
- Extracting fields (day, year, hour, etc...) from Date&Time columns
- Calculating a time difference with DateTime value in previous row
- Moving Average and Moving Aggregation

Workflow: DateTime Manipulation_2 In this workflow we use some more Date&Time manipulation nodes and plotthe results: - Extracting data rows falling in a time window (Date&Time-based Row Filter) - Extracting fields (day, year, hour, etc...) from Date&Time columns - Calculating a time difference with DateTime value in previous row - Moving Average and Moving Aggregation - FFT Moving Average and Moving Aggregation Date&Time Operations year=2010count rows by weekdaynumber ofmonths >12center simplemoving average on quantity(window length = 11)cumulative sumof amountplot amount by dateplot cumulative sumof amount by dateconvert sale dateinto a DateTime objectfilter rows between01.01.2009 and01.01.2010number ofmonths to todaytime difference in #days with value in previous rowsales.csvplot amountby datesort dateascendingcolor mapextract year, month, dayday of weekplot amount by date Row Filter GroupBy Row Filter Moving Average Moving Aggregation Line Plot Line Plot String to Date&Time Date&Time-basedRow Filter Date&TimeDifference Date&TimeDifference CSV Reader Line Plot Sorter Table Creator Color Manager Extract Date&TimeFields Line Plot (Plotly) Workflow: DateTime Manipulation_2 In this workflow we use some more Date&Time manipulation nodes and plotthe results: - Extracting data rows falling in a time window (Date&Time-based Row Filter) - Extracting fields (day, year, hour, etc...) from Date&Time columns - Calculating a time difference with DateTime value in previous row - Moving Average and Moving Aggregation - FFT Moving Average and Moving Aggregation Date&Time Operations year=2010count rows by weekdaynumber ofmonths >12center simplemoving average on quantity(window length = 11)cumulative sumof amountplot amount by dateplot cumulative sumof amount by dateconvert sale dateinto a DateTime objectfilter rows between01.01.2009 and01.01.2010number ofmonths to todaytime difference in #days with value in previous rowsales.csvplot amountby datesort dateascendingcolor mapextract year, month, dayday of weekplot amount by date Row Filter GroupBy Row Filter Moving Average Moving Aggregation Line Plot Line Plot String to Date&Time Date&Time-basedRow Filter Date&TimeDifference Date&TimeDifference CSV Reader Line Plot Sorter Table Creator Color Manager Extract Date&TimeFields Line Plot (Plotly)


